
Tipologia Titolo Anno
Atti Convegno Qualità e sicurezza in emato-oncologia pediatrica: il fenomeno delle cure infermieristiche compromesse in Italia 2019
Atti Convegno Care left undone in patients with chronic respiratory diseases admitted to medical wards: an observational study 2019
Poster A quasi-experimental trial evaluating the potential effectiveness of complex nursing intervention focused on quality of life assessment on advanced cancer patients with palliative care needs. 2018
Atti Convegno The benefits of having a nurse fully dedicated to telemonitoring heart failure patients with an implanted cardiac device: a mixed method study 2018
Atti Convegno Simulation skill labs to support informal caregivers who care for patients requiring mechanical ventilation at home 2018
Articoli A Dedicated Nutritional Care Program (NUTRICARE) for Institutionalized Dysphagic Older People Affected by Dementia: A Quasi-experimental Study 2017
Atti Convegno Caring for Older People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: a Grounded Theory Study 2017
Atti Convegno Pilot study to identify the modification of performance in sarcopenic nursing home patients after introduction of protein and D vitamin supplementation 2017
Articoli Preliminary testing using Mokken scaling of an Italian translation of the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia (EdFED-I) scale 2015
Atti Convegno Fattori che influenzano l'efficacia dell'educazione al self-management 2015
Atti Convegno The Development of An Educational Diagnosis Chart on the Motivation of the Enterostoma Patients' Needs (MEPN) 2014
Tipologia Titolo Anno
Articoli Developing a Stoma Acceptance Questionnaire to improve motivation to adhere to enterostoma self-care. 2017
Convegni Fattori che influenzano l'efficacia dell'educazione al self-management 2015